Supporters| of this project

The Angry Mandrel Forum
The Angry Mandrel Forum (TAM) has quickly evolved to become a powerful information-sharing source for lampworkers. Everything you could want: active forum with both general and technical discussions, gallery and tutorials. The Angry Mandrel is the ONLY lampwork/glass consumer report to date! No posts or threads are deleted nor are they edited in any way, shape or form on the forum. Vendors are rated on their shipping, products and customer service.

The Annealer Magazine & Auction Boutique
The Annealer Magazine & Auction Boutique is dedicated to self-representing glass artists and jewelry designers.
The magazine offers features, tips, resource guide, gallery and contests. The auction boutique is the purest lampwork auction venue to be found.
Look for This Logo on Websites,
on Auctions etc...
©Melinda Melanson 2005 |